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Kisa on 21 July 1907

15 April 1912

4 years, 8 months

From Kisa, Sweden. Fourth child of the Anderssons and only son. Sigvard boarded Titanic as 3rd class with his parents and three older sisters Sigrid (11) Ingeborg (9) Ebba (6) and his baby sister Ellis (2) to emigrate to Winnipeg Canada. Titanic struck an iceberg at 11: 40 PM on April 14, 1912 in the midst of the North Atlantic ocean. The collision caused many passengers in confusion-the family wasn't English. They were still unaware of the collision and what they had to do. By the time they reached the deck, the boats were all used. A survivor Anna Nysten who boarded with the Anderssons stated she last saw the family standing together on the boat deck until they were swept by a cosmic wave. None of their bodies were recovered.


Alyssa McIntosh

Lovingly memorialized by

Alyssa McIntosh

Sigvard Harald Elias's 0