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Count: 2094


Claude Alexandre

Lovingly memorialized by Alyssa McIntosh on October 25, 2014


Monique Adelski

Lovingly memorialized by Alyssa McIntosh on October 25, 2014


Irene Cukier

Lovingly memorialized by Alyssa McIntosh on October 25, 2014

Children who were Irene's age were too young to wear the yellow star.


Ginette Cukier

Lovingly memorialized by Alyssa McIntosh on October 25, 2014

Ginette was old enough to wear the yellow star on June 6, 1942.


Regine Ajdelson

Lovingly memorialized by Alyssa McIntosh on October 25, 2014

Children between 6 years- 17 years had to wear the yellow star.