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Cottage Grove, Oregon on 09 March 1960

Portland, Oregon on 08 April 2014

54 years

Pamela Sue Stacy, 54, of Portland, Oregon passed away in her Portland home on Tuesday, April 8, 2014.

Born March 9, 1960 in Cottage Grove, Oregon. She was the daughter of the late Orville Perry and Viola Allen Perry.

She is survived by her daughter Corinne Stacy of Oregon City, Oregon, And son Shawn Stacy of Ketchikan, Alaska, A brother Norville Perry of Gresham, Oregon and her granddaughter Keanna Ferris.

She loved to go for long drives in the country, walks on the beach, sitting at the river side, picnics, taking her granddaughter to the park, plants, shopping and having fun spending time with friends and family.


Lovingly memorialized by

Corinne Stacy

Pamela's Daughter