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Westmeath on 06 September 1904

15 April 1912

7 years, 7 months

Born in Westmeath, Ireland. Boarded Titanic as 3rd class from Queenstown with his mother and brothers Albert (10) George (8) Arthur (4) Eugene (2) to Spokane, WA U.S. Titanic struck an iceberg on April 14th at 11: 40 PM in the midst of North Atlantic ocean. To most 3rd class passengers the collision didn't seem serious and they were unaware that they were in danger. The Rice family was one of the family that spoke English and was able to make it to the top deck. But either the boats were all used. Or when the boats were lowering and officers gave commands that only women and children could enter the lifeboats-somehow wouldn't allow her older sons to board. Either Margaret Rice refused to be parted from any of her sons. The family was last seen clinging to the stern looking bewildered. Only Margaret Rice's body was recovered.


Alyssa McIntosh

Lovingly memorialized by

Alyssa McIntosh

Eric's 0