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Alitagtag, Batangas on 05 January 1975

Sacramento on 14 January 2021

46 years

On January 14th 2021, Dennis was fatally wounded while performing duties protecting and serving his community as a health inspector for Sacramento County. He leaves behind his wife Shelley and daughter Lauryn who need your prayers and support during this very difficult time.

Due to COVID restrictions and to honor Dennis\'s life and legacy of service to protect the public, the family held a private service. Dennis was laid to rest on Fri 1/29/2021. A celebration of life and opportunity to be with Shelley, Lauryn and Dennis\' brothers will be arranged at a future date when public health guidelines allow.

Shelley and her daughter deserve to be wrapped in our community’s love in their darkest moment and my hope is we will create a balloon of financial support that will carry them through what’s to come—a life without her incredible husband, Dennis.

Shelley and Dennis devoted their lives to holding the hearts of others, and it’s time for us to hold theirs. Please join me in contributing to the GoFundMe page below so that Shelley can remove financial worries from the list of things she will face in this next year. And if we are generous to an extent I can only hope for, let us also provide for her daughter’s future. We are her community and it’s our turn to show up for her. Dennis would be grateful and proud.

A GoFundMe account was set up to provide support for Shelley and Lauryn

Other alternatives to provide financial support
- Venmo - @doublefaultdennis
- Check - Please contact John for additional details

Additionally, meal delivery is being coordinated online
- Meal Train -

We are incredibly grateful for everyone\'s love and support of Dennis and his family. Please continue to keep them in your thoughts and prayers. We would appreciate it if you would share this with your community.

Please note that should you want to post pictures or videos to this page, the site requires that you create an account (free of charge) in order to do this.


John Lai

Lovingly memorialized by

John Lai

Dennis's Best Friend